First quarter 2022: In this section you can find news from the world of hemp. Current affairs, politics and economics, national and international. Enjoy your reading!
News First Quarter 2022
- On March 10, the results of the Cobraf Project were published.
The COBRAF Project – Co-products from biorefinery, implemented within the framework of the PSR-FEARS 2014-2020, sub-measure 16.2, of the Tuscany Region, had the objective of starting agro-industrial supply chains in Tuscany starting from the co-products of four oilseed crops, hemp, safflower, flax and camelina, and of creating a regional logistics platform capable of coordinating the supply of biomass from these.
Source: Cobraf, see the activity
Source: ChimicaVerde Association, 01 March 2022
- The return of hemp, a thousand hectares for the supply chain in Tuscany: Agreement between Coldiretti and CanapaFiliera: the natural fiber intended for the paper industry, agriculture, textiles and green building.
The company Canapa Filiera srl has opened a plant for the processing of hemp fiber according to the principles of the circular economy in the Municipality of Vecchiano (PI).
Source: InToscana, March 2022, read the article
- Cannabis Referendum: The Constitutional Court has declared the referendum on the decriminalization of cannabis cultivation inadmissible.
Through a press conference, the President of the Constitutional Court, Giuliano Amato, announces the opinion of the constitutional body.
Source: Ansa, February 16, 2022, read the article
- State-Regions Conference: on January 12, an inter-ministerial decree was approved that aims to redefine "the list of cultivated medicinal plant species as well as the criteria for harvesting and first processing of spontaneous medicinal plant species".
Let's see what changes for the hemp sector with two articles.
Source: LinKiesta, January 26, read the article
Source: Canapaindustriale, January 15, 2022, read the article