From 01 April 2024 , the new law on the legalization of marijuana, home cultivation and its distribution will come into force in Germany.
That's right, on February 23, the Bundestag, the German parliamentary chamber, approved the law that authorizes the consumption of cannabis for adults and the possibility of growing up to 3 plants in one's home starting from the beginning of April. From July 1 , instead, there will be the possibility of opening clubs, Cannabis Social clubs, non-profit associations, for the cultivation of cannabis in an associated form.
What does the new German law provide?
Decriminalization : The new German legislation on cannabis first of all decriminalizes personal possession. In fact, with the new legislation, possession of marijuana up to 60 grams will be considered an administrative offence and not a criminal offence (criminal above this threshold).
Self-cultivation: possibility of growing up to 3 marijuana plants at home
Cannabis Social Club : Creation of authorized marijuana cultivation associations. The law will allow citizens over the age of 18 to purchase a maximum of 25 grams of cannabis, with a limit of 50 grams per month. Authorized cannabis cultivation associations will then take care of distribution. Each association will be able to have a maximum of 500 members (adults and residents in Germany).
Ban on advertising and sales for other activities: It will not be possible to advertise cannabis-based products and furthermore the law prohibits the sale of products containing THC in shops of any kind, including headshops or grow shops.
Limiting consumption near public spaces: The new law prohibits cannabis consumption near schools, kindergartens and playgrounds during the day, with a restricted area for consumption 100 meters away.
What are the goals of the new German law?
According to German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach , this legislative measure will bring about a “long-term change in German drug policy.” The primary goals of the legislation are to combat the black market for cannabis in the country, prevent the toxicity of an uncontrolledly manipulated product, and limit young people's access to drug consumption.
And in Italy?
In Italy, based on the German model, a popular initiative law proposal has been formulated by the Meglio Legale Association , “Io Coltivo” .
Just like in Germany, the proposed law includes as key points the self-production of cannabis, the creation of Cannabis social clubs and the quantities of possession.
The subscription of the proposal, launched last December, has already reached about 35 thousand signatures. There are still some missing (50 k) but the goal seems to be getting closer and closer. It is possible to subscribe to the bill online with the Digital Identity (SPID) at the following site: